$10 Cover @ the Door / Start 7:30pm / Doors 7pm
An evening dedicated to celebrate the music of Brazil!
Na Banguela
Photo credits: Luiza Girardello
“Na banguela” is a Brazilian Portuguese idiom. It refers to when a driver switches to neutral gear so that the car can effortlessly coast downhill. Despite the high level of skill required to play the traditional Brazilian style known as Choro, it is with this easygoing playfulness that the group Na Banguela chooses to address their repertoire, composed of Choros by composers Jacob do Bandolim, Pixinguinha, Waldyr Azevedo, Luciana Rabello, and others.
Ricardo Borsatto Faria, 7 String Guitar
Felipe Cemim, 10 String Mandolin
Marion Campos-Gullotti, Cavaquinho
João Petrus, Pandeiro
Flor De Bananeira
Photo credit: Ana Girardello
Brazilian vocalist Luiza Girardello joins the Choro group Na Banguela to perform Samba. A classically trained mezzo-soprano, Luiza is attending Berklee College of Music to advance her popular music and Jazz knowledge and skills. For Flor De Bananeira she explores and showcases some of her country's finest music.
Luiza Girardello, Vocals
Ricardo Borsatto Faria, 7 String Guitar
Felipe Cemim, 10 String Mandolin
Marion Campos-Gullotti, Cavaquinho
João Petrus, Pandeiro