Spider Water is a synth rock quartet with elements of psych rock, house music, and jazz. With a poppy, upbeat, nature, these cats can truly bring the 'meow' to any type of event! https://spider-water.com
Moth Messenger is a collaborative effort founded on the tenet of including anyone who wants to be involved in any way (anyone was later restricted to close friends and family after Tom Green attempted to join the band on multiple occasions despite overwhelming resentment). Moth Messenger is committed to performing loud and/or fast music for any audience interested in having fun. For those uninterested in fun, we will try our best. https://linktr.ee/mothmessenger
Pretty Much Pretty much is an indie group based out of Back Bay that is all about teamwork and fun! The group plays modern indie classics, and combines elements of pop and crowd interaction that is unparalleled by any other group in their Q zone. You'll be sure to be snapping your fingers to these folks!