Ridley has played and recorded with renowned musicians of many different styles all over the world. He is one of the most in-demand musicians New England and beyond and can be found playing as a sideman in many different groups and has a few albums out of his own music. He also serves as the music director for tap dance company Subject:Matter (https://www.subjectmattertap.com/) and on the praise and worship team at the Somerville Community Baptist Church. He teaches music as a guest lecturer at different colleges around New England, at the Boston Arts Academy, and at the Hamilton-Garrett Music and Arts Academy (a community afterschool program under the umbrella of the historic Charles Street AME Church in Roxbury). He grew up culturally jewish, is a devotee of the hindu deity Hanuman, and is a follower of Sadhguru/practitioner of Isha Yoga. He also believes that everybody is part of the band.
Website: maxridley.com
Bandcamp: maxridley.bandcamp.com/
Instagram: instagram.com/maxthedadridley/
Facebook: facebook.com/maxthedadridley